What is the Sports Premium?
Since the 2012 Olympic Games in London, primary schools have received additional funding from the Government to improve PE and Sport in school. The funding is provided to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools. The focus of spending must lead to long lasting impact against the vision outlined above that will live on well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding.
At Eastfield Infant and Nursery School, we strive to deliver the highest quality Physical Education and Sport opportunities for all our children. The Sports Premium funding will enhance the ‘pursuit of excellence in Physical Education and Sport at Eastfield Infant and Nursery School.
We will use the Sports Premium to:
- Further develop and add value to the PE and Sport activities we already offer
- Hire specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with teachers during PE lessons
- Introduce new activities or sports to increase participation
- Develop our Outdoor Learning to allow the children to spend more time being active
- Provide existing staff with training or resources to raise standards of teaching and learning in PE and sport
- Support the funding of external sports clubs for disadvantaged pupils
- Purchase equipment for children to use during break and lunch times
During the Academic Year 2022 – 23 Eastfield was awarded £17,600.
Impact and how this will be evaluated:
For this current academic year 2023-2024, Eastfield will be using our funding in a range of ways. One of the main impacts will be ensuring that our PE lessons are well structured and thought-out to enable all children to make clear progression, embed and develop key skills and be able to understand and use language and vocabulary linked to the skills they are learning.
Funding will be used to help ensure as many children as possible can be physically active, take part in, experience and develop their skills in a range of sports opportunities. This will include setting up additional clubs where children can develop their leadership skills and learn how to support their peers in developing their knowledge and skills.
As a school, we understand and value the benefits of Outdoor Learning and so will use some our sports premium funding to continue to develop our outdoor spaces to ensure that children are encouraged to be active within other subject areas and are given the opportunity to use real world examples within their learning.
We will work with our sports coaches to further develop engaging and enriching lessons that promote physical and mental health. Staff will work alongside the coaches to build staff’s own subject knowledge in how to deepen the children’s understanding of PE. This continuous professional development will allow the sports premium funding to have a long-lasting impact on our PE curriculum.
For a break-down of the spending and an evaluation of how this impacted on our PE lessons, please click on the link below:
School Sport Premium Development Plan 2017-18
School Sport Premium Development Plan 2018-19