The Governors of Eastfield Infant and Nursery School are:

Laura Summerfield
David Williams
Chair of Governors
History & Geography Link Governor
Peter Sullivan
Parent Governor
Vice Chair
Chair of Finance & Resources Committee
Science Link Governor

Claire Worth
Co-opted Governor
Early Years Link Governor
Ketrina Hill
Staff Governor
Pupil Premium Governor
PE Link Governor
Julia Ellis
Co-opted Governor
Chair of Teaching & Learning Committee
Maths Link Governor

Hannah Duarte
Parent Governor
Safeguarding Governor
Music Link Governor
Donald Henderson
Parent Governor
Computing Link Governor
Jenny Swain
Parent Governor
SEND Governor
Art, DT & PSHE Link Governor

Amy Unwin
Associate Member
Ellie Fielding
Clerk to the Governing Body
NB: currently on MAT leave
The governors work with the school on a voluntary basis.
Click here for link to ‘Get Information About Schools: Eastfield Governance
We are passionate about the quality of education that Eastfield provides and act as “critical friends” to the school in our efforts to ensure its continuous improvement. We set the strategic direction for the school and its annual budget and meet regularly both as the full governing body and in smaller committees to progress work in particular areas.
Point of contact for the Governing Body:
Name of the Clerk: Anna-Maria Cooper
Contact email: TBC In the meantime, please email
Sub-Committee Terms of Reference:
Governor information & attendance:
Financial Transparency:
The Department for Education require schools to publish the following information:
- The number of individuals earning over £100k: 0