Purple Mash
As a school, we subscribe to Purple Mash. There are lots of activities your child can do at home and they can also show you the work they’ve been doing at school. Purple Mash offers a wide range of learning activities across the curriculum. We use it extensively in school and by the time your child is in Year 1 they should be familiar with using it. Their password has been sent home in their book bag. If it’s disappeared please let us know and we’ll give you another copy.
Click on this link to log in to our school portal:
Jessie and Friends: Online safety education for 4-7 year olds

Jessie & Friends is a series of three animations that follow the adventures of Jessie, Tia and Mo as they begin to navigate the online world, watching videos, sharing pictures and playing games. There’s also a storybook for each episode, to help you and your child keep the conversation going.
We use these animations and characters with the children in school when talking about online safety and teaching computing, so they will be familiar with them.
Please follow this link to see how you could use these online safety materials at home with your children to reinforce the messages we are teaching them in school.
4-7’s website
Featuring characters and messages from the CEOP Education Jessie & Friends resource, the 4-7s website helps children to develop the skills and knowledge they need to help them stay safer when spending time online.

Designed for children to visit at home with their parents and carers, users complete ‘badges’ where they help the characters, Jessie, Tia and Mo, to identify when to ‘Tell a Grown Up’ (TAG) in different online situations.
Each badge asks a series of questions, aimed at helping children to recognise worrying or frightening situations online. Answering each question correctly earns a star. When children have answered all the questions in a badge and earned three stars, they will get a certificate to download or print and colour in.
The four badges cover the following topics:
• watching videos
• sharing pictures (6-7 year olds only)
• online gaming (6-7 year olds only)
• chatting online (6-7 year olds only)
The website is divided into sections for 4-5 and 6-7 year olds and features relevant and age appropriate badges and videos for the chosen age bracket.
4-5 year olds will be able to access and play the Watching Videos badge, while 6-7 year olds will be able to play the Sharing Pictures, Online Gaming, and Chatting Online badges, in addition to Watching Videos.
The related Jessie & Friends episodes can be found in the ‘Videos’ tab on the 4-7s website which you can watch with your child after completing the badges.